Every Sunday @4PM! Come hoop with us after worship in our Church gym!!

If you are between 10 – 16 and want to know more about who Jesus is, please join us every other Friday at the Church @6PM to be part of The Band! We play, sing and pray together!! This is a great time to learn who we are (sons and daughters of the Most High King) and whose we are! Please LORD, we ask you protect and guide these young people to know and love you!

Ministries of Love Food Pantry
Between 12PM and 2PM every last two Saturday’s of the Month we have host a food pantry with Ministries of Love! Please drive up and we will be glad to bless you with food and prayer. Also we welcome anyone wanting to volunteer! Thank you Lord for this opportunity!

We’re committed to being salt and light.
Foreign mission fields call for workers to leave home and family, study new folk ways, and take up residence where they serve the Lord. We apply the same approach to an American inner city. The people of the city cannot be won to Christ if Christians keep their distance.
Jesus called His followers the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” If the guiding light and preserving salt are removed, decay ensues. Woodruff Place Baptist Church is committed to being salt and light, and to ministering to inner city Indianapolis in person.
Check out the links in the sidebar to see what we do, and how we minister to this city.
- Check out our Local Outreaches.
- Read about the Foreign Missions we support.